Our Generous Sponsors for
National Telecommunicators Week
April 14th — 20th, 2024
Celebrating our dispatchers and their vital role in the Wyoming Highway Patrol.
Always heard, rarely seen, the calm voice in the dark.
Thank you, WHP Dispatchers!
The Salvation Army
601 E. 20th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Wyoming Chaper of APCO/NENA
Texas Roadhouse
1931 Bluegrass Circle
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Wyoming Highway Patrol Association
Spiewak Uniform Workwear
WHP Dispatch Supervisor Team
Our Generous Sponsors for
National Police Week
May 12th — May 18th, 2024
Celebrating our troopers and their families for all their hard work for our great state of Wyoming!
A special thank you to all of our amazing sponsors and communities.
Our troopers thrive on your support and care!
Walmart of Evanston, Cheyenne,
Rawlins & Rock Springs
The Human Bean
Wyo Movies
Hand & Physical Therapy
of Wyoming
Thrifty Foods
Western Coffee Company
The Wild Whisk
Windy Peaks Brewery
West Cattle Company
Wyo Faction
Nell's Coffee
Dance Wyoming
Target of Cheyenne
Kay's Kitchen
LulaRoe Nicole Burling
Legacy Law
Wyoming Pure Natural Beef
Jimmy Johns of Rock Springs
Elevated Automotive LLC
Interstate Gas Conoco Food Mart
The Home Depot
Soar Above Studios